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A woman looking to get her a post baby glow up has found herself struggling to choose which exercise path to go down, it’s reported. 

Influenced a little much by the score of fitness influencers who were able to bounce back within weeks of having a baby due to their ‘extensive workout routines’ (and surgery and genetics) Terry Kemp, 29, is convinced she can do the same – but now, she finds herself faced with the impossible choice.

To become a muscle mummy or get her pilates on?

Terry speaks to our reporter about her predicament. 

“The idea of getting super muscley does appeal to me”, says Terry, “but I’m not entirely sure I can commit to all that protein.”

“And I do quite like the lean Pilates look. Miley Cyrus has killer arms.”

“I’m probably more of a leaner body type anyway.”

Looking off into the distance, Terry appears to change her mind yet again.

“Then again, I’d like to see how far I can push my body”, she adds, forgetting the fact that she’s quite literally pushed out a baby.

“It’s such a tough choice.”

More to come.


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