In a heartwarming display of modern parenting, James Fletcher (44), a successful career man, has once again restored his tenuous relationship with his son by gifting him yet another oversized duty-free Toblerone. 

This generous act, performed when he arrived home after his 7th trip for the year only 10 minutes before his son was going to bed, has successfully rekindled their father-son bond. Proving that years of emotional neglect can simply be fixed with a giant Toblerone.

James was somewhat surprised to see that his son barely even cracked a smile over the chocolate gift.

“This is the 7th one I’ve gotten him this year, I don’t know much about him to be honest, but I know kids like chocolate.”

“I’ve always thought of myself as a good father and every time I go through duty-free I make sure I get him a Toblerone.”

“It’s that or this, actually, do you think he’d like that?” James asked The Advocate.

Renowned family therapist Dr.Williams (62) explained that Toblerones have become a symbol for the neglected children of career orientated parents around the world.

“This phenomenon has been around for years”

“There’s just something about corporate dads in airports thinking their kid is really going to love a Toblerone.” Says Dr.Williams.

“Many of my patients have gone on to have some seriously triggering moments when they’ve come across the chocolate bar.”

As James heads off to yet another interstate business trip, leaving behind a son with an ever-growing sense of abandonment, one can only marvel at the power of the Swiss chocolate to soothe the sting of a father’s absence. 


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