ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
A recent study conducted by Australia’s peak scentific body, the CSIRO, has concluded and confirmed that Generation X are nothing but junior boomers who like Star Wars.
Speaking this morning to a handful of journalists outside the Organisation’s headquarters in Canberra, spokesman Larry Bernk said the findings weren’t that surprising and were largely expected.
“Most people don’t really care about Gen X,” he said.
“Which is something I personally find to ring true. When I open my mouth at work, the older guys roll their eyes at me just like the kid grads we have,”
“We’ve actually got it hardest out of any generation. So when the findings of this study came in, I went into the staffroom to lambaste my colleagues for treating me like I was a member of the Silent Generation!”
“They just told me to get fucked.”
However, Larry went onto explain that the one common thread among his generation is that they all enjoyed the original Star Wars movies more than the prequels.
“The new Disney ones are even worse!”
Our reporter clicked off his recorder and told Larry to get fucked.
More to come.