After celebrating a grade three grand final victory, captain of Betoota touch football team Jared Young (27) lead his team into a night of raucous debauchery beginning with a round of Kahlua shots.

During the celebrations at Betoota RSL, Young allegedly made an inspiring speech about their touch football performance before insisting they shoot their coffee infused liquor without a chaser.

“We’re number one! No one can touch us!”

Following the round of shots, it is believed the team of touch players consumed at least three mid-strength beers and half a menthol cigarette each. At one point, it is reported RSL staff had to ask one rowdy team member to take his hat off inside.

Eventually, it is reported some of the players moved into the pokie room to make an excessive series of 1 cent bets while having a loud game of “Shoot, Shag & Marry.”

“Yeah, it went pretty mental. You frigging believe Riza said he would shag Jacqui Lambie?”

As the night digressed, a fight broke out between two team members over which season of Dexter was better and was only disbursed when club security asked them to be mindful of the families nearby.

Reports state the team did not vacate the RSL until 10:30 pm when all bar trading had ceased and the pub had closed. Witnesses report seeing the team make their way to King’s Kebab shop, discovered it was closed and decided to go back to centre Liam Wentworth’s home for Shapes and Call of Duty.

“Kick ons at mine! You’re all good to crash!”



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