As Melbourne asserts itself as the home of the F1 and fine dining, and Brisbane prepares to be crowned the sporting capital in the lead up to the 2032 Olympics – the city of Sydney is doubling down on their title as the most aesthetically pleasing city in Australia.

From the gorgeous inner-city architecture, to the floats of beautiful people partying at the annual Mardi Gras, the Harbour City is simply dazzling to the eye.

But it takes hard work to look this good.

It also takes hard work to ensure that every single parcel of privately-owned land in the city continues to accrue value at an unsustainable rate.

While relying solely on a daytime economy powered by crossfit gyms and cafes, inner-Sydney’s number one tourism drawcard is the hard fought reputation as the Southern Hemisphere’s queer capital.

It’s just like Barcelona! but without any young people or nightclubs. Just ageing property investors and land-hoarders, some of whom are gay.

And the city is now more connected than ever with a fourth seperate form of rail travel! The new Metro Line – while exciting – also brings with it certain challenges.

Namely the fact that smelly homeless people might be able to find their way into the city from the crappy outer-metro fringe where they belong. This is not ideal for a city council and state government that has spent 20 years sterilising the streets of Sydney with noise complaints, parking fines and the rapid decommissioning on urban public housing.

This City Council’s vision for 2050 sees a city transformed with public squares, more space for non-homeless pedestrins , less traffic, better access to the harbour and a stronger cultural identity – one that differs from the rest of the country. Unique, inclusive and rich.

That means far more rainbows and far less swagmen. A City that loves the Matildas as long as they aren’t waltzing!

This tricky tightrope between inclusivity and unbridled classism is a tough one to walk. In San Fran Cisco they put em on buses. In Sydney they just simply make the city streets a bit harder to sleep in!

Which is why Sydney City council are today excited to introduce the new Pride-themed homeless spikes! The most slayest hostila archetecture now located under overpasses and pedestrian tunnels from Zetland to Circular Quay.

The City of Sydney acknowledges the Gadigal of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of their local area.


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