99.95: A Sydney grad student has found himself in disbelief as he grapples with the harsh reality that displaying his ATAR on his CV when applying to be a realestate agent. Yes, his once-prized ATAR, a sparkling 99.95, has proven to mean nothing more than a decorative flourish on his CV in the ruthless world of real estate.

Sources close to the uni dropout reveal that, despite years of toiling over textbooks and battling the formidable foes of HSC, his academic achievement mean jack shit in the Sydney’s cutthroat property market.

The audacity of assuming that a four-digit number would be the golden ticket to real estate success has left this Sydney grad student questioning life choices and the worth of the Australian education system.

In a candid interview over lunch at Margaret in Double Bay, one high-achieving agent nonchalantly told Betoota, “I failed high school, and now I’m one of the top- performing agents at Ray White.”

“It’s not about what you know but who you know.” He continued before insisting to shout the bill.

As the lunch continued, it becomes increasingly evident that academic prowess may not be the lynchpin for success in the property market.

It’s a sobering realisation for our Sydney grad student, who now grapples with the absurdity of trusting someone who failed high school to navigate the complexities of multimillion-dollar property transactions.

More to come.


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