A morning of fibs has gotten even worse for the Prime Minister, with the man in charge of the country being called out for another lie.
The Sydney schools association known as the GPS has made a public statement this afternoon, revealing that Morrison never actually ran a sub 12 second 100 metres in school.
The public rebuttal comes after Scott Morrison claimed he has never told a lie in public office, despite a long historied of fabricating the truth, including claiming to be a fringe State athlete during his high school years.
“We have no record of anything sub 18 seconds here to be honest,” said the record keeper for the schools association today.
“During his time at the inner city Sydney Boys High, which the Prime Minister seems keen to publically gloss over, Morrison seemed to run an 18.12 as a 16-year-old, so I’m not sure what he’s on about.”
“I think he was more built for shot put and discuss if you know what I mean,” he laughed.
“So yes, I can confirm that Scott never ran below 12 seconds in school.”
“I look forward to being a leftie who twists the truth, but I’m not sure why whoever wrote these times down would lie about a random kid’s times.”
Scott Morrison has since responded to the allegations saying that he ‘rejects that suggestion’ and maintains he ran a very fast time, that all the local girls were very impressed by.
More to come.