In terrific news for the property developer billionaires that are facing industrial disputes with their workers on the jobsites of high-rise luxury apartment and major government infrastructure builds, it appears that the allegations are true!

It can today be confirmed that the pesky construction arm of the CFMEU are Australia’s modern day equivalent of the Sicilian Mafia that dominated America’s underworld in the mid-20th century.

Channel Nine and The Liberal Party Of Australia now have all the evidence they need to discredit the only trade union in the country that are capable of ensuring that their members are paid wages that contend with the cost-of-living crisis and inflation.

This comes after an extravagant family affair in the light industrial Brisbane suburb of Coopers Plains over the weekend, where one prominent CFMEU delegate was seen taking part in a notorious underworld tradition on the day of his daughter’s wedding.

The Brisbane CFMEU heavy and talent carpenter, Donald ‘The Don’ Cronk, was photographed making off-the-books deals with South Brisbane’s most colourful personalities – all of whom he regularly drinks with every Friday at the Rocklea Tavern for the topless waitress night.

A local powdercoater, Glenny Fontane, is believed to have asked The Don for help putting up a pergola out the back of his quarter acre block in Archerfield

“I don’t know what to do, Don.” says Glenny.

“My skills with the hammer are weak and the missus has been on my case. Anyway, if I had this pergola up, it would put me right back on top in her eyes, You know. But this… this chippy I found in the paper. He’s trying to charge me a bomb”

“What’s his name?” asks the Don.

“Woltz. He said there’s no chance he’ll build it for less than a grand. And that’s only if it takes him one day. I said fuck that we’ve got this Bali trip in August. I’m not doing my arse for that cunt.

The Don nods pensively and takes a draw from his cigarette.

“I bought all the timber a month ago.” says Glenny.

“The bloke at Bunnings said a bloke like me could build it. But I can’t do it. I’m as useful as a cock on a priest… I don’t know what to do…”

All of a sudden, The Don rises from his picnic chair next to the matching bridal Commodores and shakes Glenny by the lapels of his Tarocash dinner suit.


“Don’t fucken whinge about it you softcock. You know I can’t turn down a cashie on the day of my daughter’s wedding. Two cartons of coronas and a pack of winnie blues. I’ll do it for you on Monday after work.”

“Fuck.” says a stoked Glenny.

“That’d be the dream. Cheers bloke. Now get back in there and walk her down the aisle you old cunt”

This revelation only confirms Channel Nine’s allegations of ties between the CFMEU and the underworld.

Both the Federal and State Labor Governments of Queensland and Victoria are now deeply compromised by their well-publicised ties to this deeply criminal institution of Jetstar’s most frequent flyers.


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