Victorians could soon be recycling 97% of their household waste under a new plan to provide each household with a total of 36 separate bins.
Infrastructure Victoria Chief Executive Michel Masson said he was sure the community would not mind the extra effort required.
“It seems complex, but I am sure Victorians will quickly get used to the marginal amount of extra effort required, as well as the 300% council rates increase to purchase 450 new garbage trucks.”
“For instance, Wednesday is Nappy Bin (White), Pizza Box Bin (Light Grey), Wrapping Paper Bin (Cerulean Blue), Battery Bin (Hot Mustard), Toilet Roll Bin (Alabaster Beige) and Burnt Toast Bin (Barrister Grey).”
“We’ll make sure all households get a very detailed poster that explains what can go in each bin.”
Masson also added that a new app was also being developed for people who didn’t have enough wall space to hang the extremely large poster.
“The app will make the whole process a lot easier; you can just type in a description or scan the barcode of a particular product and the app will tell you which bin to put it in. Then, if you no longer need the poster, you can recycle it in the Poster Bin (Mid Brunswick Green) which will be one of the 5 bins to be collected on Thursday.”
The amount of waste produced by Victorians has doubled in less than two decades to 13.4 million tonnes last year; equivalent to over 56 billion lattes.
Infrastructure Victoria has previously investigated how to reduce household waste and has some new plans up it’s sleeve if the new recycling system doesn’t work, including simply reducing the number of Victorians by banning AFL.