![IT jobs](https://www.betootaadvocate.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IT-jobs.jpg)
Recently-retrenched Holden factory worker, Les Hartnell (55) says he’s ecstatic that the Government has today decided to make life more difficult for skilled workers coming in from overseas.
“I’m pretty well-trained in management and the admin side of manufacturing, but I haven’t been able to find any new work. There’s no more factories” he says.
“But this new 457 ban sounds like there’s gonna be a few more jobs getting around”
The Federal Government has today announced their plans to abolish the 457 visa and replace it with two new visas, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says.
This means Australians will get first priority when it comes to jobs that have been filled by international workers that were brought in because there was a deficit in Australians with those skillsets.
Mr Turnbull said the new system would be “manifestly, rigorously, resolutely conducted in the national interest”.
Les says he doesn’t know what ‘manisfestly, rigorously and resolutely conducted’ means – but he’s glad that there’s going to be a few more jobs getting around.
“I’m not entirely sure what IT is, but I think Australians should come first when it comes to IT jobs”