A local bachelor’s mood has become a little brighter this week with the realisation that this year’s bitter winter is almost over, and summer is most definitely coming.

Standing at the 312 bus stop in Betoota Heights, waiting for his express bus to take him to his stale office in the city, Marnus Chappell (29) couldn’t help but feel optimistic about the months ahead, and the potential to roll the arm over.

With unusually warm July rays kissing his cheeks, Marnus began to daydream about what lay ahead just over the hill of spring.

“Summer mate. Summer in all its glory…” Marnus mused to our reporter.

“Beers on the lake. Thongs. Prawns. The Big Bash. God what I’d do to singe my feet on some hot concrete and suck down about 12 Zooper Doopers today.”

After taking off his jacket to let the light sun pinch his forearms, Marnus’s attention turned to the realisation that cricket season was just around the corner, and with it, the chance the blow an obscene amount of his income on new gear that wouldn’t do a thing to get his batting average above 10.

Thirsty for a taste of that sweet clubhouse cordial, Marnus did the one thing he could do to prepare for the cricket, and start researching some new bats.

“I ran the Kookaburra Ghost Pro last season, great bat, but I think it might’ve held me back a bit” Marnus told our reporter, who ironically bowled him clean in the Betoota 20/20 cricket semis last year.

“But I’m hearing good things about the Gray Nicolls Revel, it’s a pretty reasonable bat for only $1500.”

“I might put out a call to see if anyone else wants to come out of hibernation this afternoon, it’s a great day for a pre-season session in the nets.”


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