A weird fast food chain that looks familiar, but isn’t, has spent the last twenty years only existing inside airports, and not doing any form of marketing.
Although the coffee/smoothie/sandwich bar has similar branding to Gloria Jeans and Boost Juice, it’s overpriced products are quite shit, and they seem to make a motza as the only option in a place that people sometimes hang around for hours at a time.
Local businessman, Ryan Sbar, says he travels a lot for work and is often forced to eat in these weird as hell ‘restaurants’ that act like they are age-old hospitality institutions.
“They use all these big words like ‘espresso’ and ‘single origin’ but no one seems to order anything other than cappuccinos and toasted sandwiches” he says.
“I’ve never seen them anywhere else, but I’ve eaten more of this shit than I have maccas”
“What’s with the Big Mag burger anyway”