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A Sydney woman has today proven once again, that fact can often be stranger than fiction.

This comes after Bondi marketing manager/low tier influencer Pheobe Anderson told a number of friends and family that she’s expecting to get out on Friday.

“Honestly, things have settled down in the Bubble, so hopefully Glad we let us out on Friday like she promised,” laughed the 25-year-old stay-at-home daughter to our newspaper this morning.

“It’s way worse out in the west,” she said.

Anderson came out to make the statements today despite the Premier announcing 175 new cases, with a bunch of them still infectious in the community.

Berejiklian also said she would be shifting her focus to Western Sydney, for the first time in her Premiership.

However, despite the huge number of cases, rather than just confirming that lockdown is being extended for another 14 days, Berejiklian said she will be making a decision tomorrow.

“Hopefully she realises how much my business has been affected by a lack of outings and networking opportunities,” said the Bondi-based Anderson.

“I don’t know if I can do another 14 days in lockdown haha,” said the young woman.


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