EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A woman who’s dated quite a few gaming addicts in her life now reckons she’s stumbled upon a dating hack, by successfully screening blokes by their gaming preferences, it’s reported.

Emily Sutton, 28, an avid gamer herself, says she believes a person’s preferred gaming style can reveal key aspects of their personality – citing that she now refers to the ‘Bartle taxonomy of player types’ character theory to date blokes.

Also known as the Myer Briggs of gaming.

“The theory states that gamers can be divided into four playing types”, explains Emily, “Achievers, explorers, socialisers and killers.”

“Achievers are motivated by goals and rewards, whereas killers are into dominance and competition.”

“I.e, huge red flags.”

Emily goes on to explain that she’s into blokes who are either explorers or socialisers,as they display key components to a healthy relationship.

“Explorers are curious, creative, and love to learn, which I find really attractive. And socialisers are all about relationships and communication, which is pretty self explanatory.”

“I’m currently about to go on a date with a guy I met through a gaming cafe, and I’m really praying he’s a Stardew Valley guy”, admits Emily, “maybe even an Elden Ring or Baldur’s Gate guy.”

More to come.


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