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Local woman Ashley Simon has been forced to backpedal hard today, after getting back together with a bloke who’s behaviour has been so heinous, it’s resulted in multiple hour long phone calls with her mum.

Having still not learnt the importance of listening to her gut, Ashley has somehow managed to gaslight herself into believing that her new beau Jake isn’t actually that bad, and that all of the horrific things he’d done to her could be clearly explained by his childhood trauma, which he’d made sure to divulge to her on multiple occasions.

Despite initially making the right decision to break things off, Ashley is still reportedly having trouble letting go of Jake, and is convinced that the right amount of love and empathetic understanding will surely get him to turn his shit around. 

But unfortunately, she’s already told her mum everything.

Chatting to Deb this morning, Ashley is alleged to have let slip that she was still seeing Jake again, resulting in her poor mum querying if she had a fucking screw loose.

“You said you broke things off with him? Didn’t you tell me that he told you that you were getting fat, and then flirted with your friend, and then ignored you for three days when you got upset about it?”

“…what? He’a not that bad!? Ashley he’s a fucking arsehole!”

“I thought I raised you better than this?”

More to come.


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