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A Sydney woman who fully intends to send it this weekend has found herself marvelling in the differences between lifestyles of her mates back home in Betoota, who appear to be fast tracking their way through life’s milestones, it’s reported.

Flicking through an Instagram story of her best mate from year three, whose child appears to have won some kind of award at school, Jasmine Hynes, 32, is unsure if she’s the one who’s behind in life, or if small town folk are just operating on a completely different timeline.

“Pretty much everyone in my highschool who stayed in Betoota has a kid now”, says Jasmine, “some of them are even onto kid number two.”

“We’re only in our thirties though, that feels so young?”

Jasmine muses that being in your thirties in a major city is kind of just like being in your twenties, but with more money.

“It feels kind of weird. People my age are like, responsible for another person’s wellbeing, whereas I’m going to a Shrek themed warehouse rave.”

“It’s wild.”

More to come.


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