EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A woman who reckons she’s been ‘cursed’ when it comes to dating has been told to have a good look at the type of blokes she keeps going for, which likely have something to do with her being chronically single, it’s reported.

Taylor Hughes, 27, is alleged to have been having a whinge to her long suffering best friend when she was hit with the harsh reality check, resulting in her coming to the conclusion that if she wants to get married one day, she’ll have to stop going for her type – blokes with a mullet and moustache.

A.k.a the Fitzroy special.

The mullet, which was originally worn as a big fuck you to the upper class, has since become popular amongst NRL and AFL players, which has eventually led to it trickling down to former private school fuckboys.

But at least it makes it easier for women to identify – or in Taylor’s case, avoid with a ten foot pole.

“It’s like in nature, where brightly coloured snakes are warning you they’re dangerous”, says Taylor, “the mullet and moustache combo is like the Australian male version of that.”

“But instead of danger it’s lack of commitment.”

More to come.


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