In an unexpected move, the World Health Organisation has praised North Korea for beating the coronavirus, with a reported zero cases, on par with it’s previous personal best in February which also featured zero reported cases.
Despite the entirely believable claims from the country, some other countries have reacted with scepticism.
US President Donald Trump even offered anti-epidemic assistance to North Korea, which was obviously turned down by the country that has zero cases of coronavirus and which also claimed to have found a bunch of unicorns in the wild near Pyongyang in 2012.
In a statement, the World Health Organisation praised the “expedient action” taken by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and predecessor Kim Jong Il, who locked down the borders so quickly that it would be many years before the virus was even inadvertently created.
“North Korea’s hands-on approach is really refreshing; locking down borders and protecting them with the military is a really effective way to combat the influx of viruses,” said the statement.
“The way Esteemed Leader Kim Jong Un implemented these measures decades before the virus even started is really proactive. It’s easy to see why he keeps winning all those elections.”