After achieving the milestone of finishing highschool as friends, a group of young mates have now finally begun tackling the milestone of finishing a holiday as enemies.
Having often been a responsible team leader in class group assignments, Sophie Hukins (18) has found herself frustrated with the criticisms from the rest of her group of friends as they travel around Europe.
The drama started in their first stop in the ancient morale vice of London when group bedwetter Dale Gil (18) remarked how far their hostel was from the CBD.
“This suburb isn’t even a Monopoly card,” remarked the young man who had OK’d all of this on the group chat.
“We’ll have to get a bus into town every time, does London even have buses?”
After several weeks of less than ideal hostel locations and time lost lining up to see artworks that are more impressive as a .jpg, Hukins eventually cracked the shits and reminded her fellow travellers that next time they can pick the fucking hostel.
“Maybe you should wait until you’ve paid me back for you share you ungrateful little shits,” spat Hukins as she considered leaving her group luggage-less at a Brussels train station.
“Granted, the toilets in our last hostel didn’t flush but I’m still better at picking hostels that they are because I’ve actually fucking picked some.”
Hukins claims she perhaps just needs some time to herself which she states she’ll be able to do tomorrow morning after her friends inevitably get drunk enough to soil themselves in the hostel beds that her credit card is holding a deposit on.